If you’re managing a newsletter or community and are interested in partnering with Bubbles, read on…

🙋‍♂️ What’s this?

At bubbles we get quite a lot of inbound from communities and newsletter who’re excited to partner with us. We love the enthusiasm! To streamline the process and reward performance we’ve made partnering with us very simple and performance driven.


If you think your audience is a good fit for bubbles, here’s what we can do:


The above is a middleground in terms of performance vs practicality. We understand that you’re not responsible for our product conversion, and so we don’t want to measure pure bottom-of-funnel. But we also believe you shouldn’t partner with us if you don’t believe in our product. The above provides a middleground with predetermined metrics that are mid-funnel rather than being too top of funnel (typical CPM) or too bottom of funnel (affiliate like).

Get started

Reach out to [email protected] to get started